Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Most Abnormal Occurance...

While I was wandering around the Shrine of Two Moons one day, I saw a most disturbing sight. Not one but TWO of the Night Elf ruler, Tyrande Whisperwind, running around! I will admit, I am not sure what to make of such a sight, let alone in the place where we have let the Horde settle during their time in Pandaria.

I will admit, I am at a loss to this. Perhaps my dear wife, Ling, would have some insight into this trickery.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Family, Friends, Food. These Are What Matter Most

Ever since my failed experience at that twitter all the younglings are using, I thought a blog more appropriate. I am Shen-Wei Pureblossom, mender and Elementalist of the Shado-Pan. I have embraced the Horde, as my daughter and son-in-law have. While I wonder and spend many hours in meditation on the sanity of our esteemed Warchief, my daughter and her friends promise a better life for all in the Horde. And since my most recent trainee seems to have embraced the philosophy of the Huojin Pandaren from the Wandering Isle, this seems the best way to keep an eye on him and the young monk, Shulan. I look forward to seeing all who would comment here, along with our esteemed Warchief.